
Drug Policy Australia is a member of the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs and has Consultative Status with the United Nations where international treaties still dominate Australian domestic and international drug policies.

Harm Reduction International

Harm Reduction International is a leading non-governmental organisation working to promote support for harm reduction and to reduce the negative health, social and human rights impacts of drug policy by promoting evidence-based public health policies and practices, and human rights-based approaches to drug policy. 

HRI is an influential global source of research, policy/legal analysis and advocacy on drug use, health and human rights issues.

The organisation is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.


The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL)

The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) is the national peak organisation representing the state and territory drug user organisations and issues of national significance for people who use or have used illicit drugs. AIVL is a peer-based organisation, which means that it is run by and for people who use or have used illicit drugs and people on medication-assisted treatment.


Anex is a program of Penington Institute, a not-for-profit organisation advancing health and community safety by connecting substance use research to practical action.

AOD Media Watch

Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Media Watch aims to highlight poor examples of journalism regarding AOD-related issues in the hope that we can assist journalists to report more objectively using science and evidence rather than perpetuating myths, opinions and moral panic.

Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is a government-funded, independent drug and alcohol organisation committed to preventing alcohol and other drug harms in our communities.

Family Drug Support Australia

To assist families throughout Australia to deal with alcohol and drug issues in a way that strengthens relationships and achieves positive outcomes.

Harm Reduction Austalia

Harm Reduction Australia (HRA) is a national organisation for individuals committed to reducing the health, social and economic harms potentially associated with drug use.


Enpsychedelia began as an infrequent podcast in 2012, produced by Nick Wallis and focusing on psychedelic issues. Ash Blackwell came on-board in the pre-planning stage, as the podcast grew into a weekly radio show on Melbourne’s 3CR. Enpsychedelia is the platform for people who use drugs, their allies and those who believe that prohibition causes more problems than it solves.

Medical Cannabis Users Association of Australia

The MCUA of Australia Incorporated has been established to provide Australians a collective voice to challenge outdated opinions and attitudes concerning the Cannabis plant, and to educate and inform policy-makers of the abundant existent scientific evidence that the cannabis plant has proven medicinal and therapeutic value, as well as nutritional and dietary supplemental benefits. 

Lives of Substance

The website is based on a carefully conducted research project that collected detailed life stories of people who consider themselves to have an addiction, dependence or drug habit.

Overdose Lifesavers

Overdose Lifesavers aims to fill in the many gaps in public discussion of overdose, to counter stigmatising misconceptions, and to promote understanding and more effective community responses. The website also provides information about how and where take-home naloxone is available.

Penington Institute

Launched in 2014, Penington Institute, a not for profit organisation, has grown out of the rich and vibrant work of one of its programs – Anex, and its close to 20 years experience working with people and families directly affected by problematic drug use.

Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine (PRISM)

Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine (PRISM) is an Australian non-profit research association that develops, initiates, coordinates and supports formal research into mainstream medical applications of psychoactive compounds, known as psychedelics. 

The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA)

The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) is the peak organisation for non-government alcohol and other drugs services in NSW. We advocate for, strengthen and support the sector. As a member-driven peak body, NADA’s decisions and actions are informed by the experiences, knowledge and concerns of its membership. NADA represents close to 100 organisational members that provide a broad range of alcohol and other drugs services including health promotion and harm reduction, early intervention, treatment and continuing care programs. Our members are diverse in their structure, philosophy and approach to alcohol and other drugs service delivery

NSW Users and Aids  Association

The NSW Users and AIDS Association (NUAA) is a not-for-profit NSW-based organisation advocating for people who use drugs, particularly those who inject drugs.


Unharm is a grassroots organisation campaigning for safe, positive and ethical drug use. Unharm aims to abolish arbitrary punishment, in favour of drug policies that enhance people’s own capacities for care and responsibility.

Association of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies NT

As an independent, membership-driven, not-for-profit association, we work with our members to support and strengthen AOD service delivery for people who experience harmful substance use in the NT.

The Australian Psychedelic Society

The APS is part of a global movement with psychedelic societies already established in several places in the USA, UK and other European nations. By creating a cohesive network, it is hoped that changes in drug policy, education and psychedelic use will be established based on evidence-based information, rather than fear-based propaganda.

Smart Recovery Australia

Vision - SMART Recovery is accessible and relevant to all. Our Purpose - Provide accessible evidence-based tools to help people manage addictive behaviours. Our Social Impact - SRAU empowers people to help themselves and each other manage addictive behaviours for the improvement of the health and social well being of the community.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia

SSDP Australia is a grassroots network of students and young people working to ensure Australia's drug laws reflect the evidence, compassion and human rights. They work with experts and students to empower youth voices in the drug policy debate.


New Zealand

New Zealand Drug Foundation

The Drug Foundation has been at the forefront of major alcohol and other drug policy debates for more than 20 years. During that time we have advocated strongly for policies and practices based on the best evidence available.

Julian Buchanan Blog - Drug Policy, Human Rights & Harm Reduction


United States of America

American Civil Liberties Union

The American Civil Liberties Union was founded in 1920 and is our nation's guardian of liberty. The ACLU works in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Americans for Safe Access

ASA is the largest national member-based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research.

Drug Policy Alliance

The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) is the nation's leading organization promoting drug policies that are grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights.
We’ve waged a War on Drugs through the criminal justice system for decades, but drug harms have only increased and millions of lives have been lost or destroyed. The criminal justice system is the wrong tool for complex health issues like drug use and addiction. There is a better way. By ending our criminal approach to drugs, we can decrease harm and help more people improve their lives.

High Times

HIGH TIMES is the definitive resource for all things cannabis. From cultivation and legalization, to entertainment and culture, to hard-hitting news exposing the War on Drugs, HIGH TIMES has been the preeminent source for cannabis information since 1974.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

A nonprofit composed of police and other criminal justice professionals dedicated to educating the public about the harms of drug prohibition. 

Marijuana Policy Project

MPP and MPP Foundation envision a nation where marijuana is legally regulated similarly to alcohol, marijuana education is honest and realistic, and treatment for problem marijuana users is non-coercive and geared toward reducing harm.


The mission of the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition (MassCann), the state affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of the Marijuana Laws (NORML), is to build a consensus for a more moral and rational public policy regarding all uses of the cannabis plant.

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research and educational organization that develops medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the careful uses of psychedelics and marijuana.

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

NORML's mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high-quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy

November Coalition


United Kingdom

Anyone's Child

Transform Drug Policy Foundation

Drug Equality Alliance (DEA)

Students for Sensible Drug Policy

Beckley Foundation



Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

NORML Canada



European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD)



Global Commission on Drugs

International Drug Policy Consortium

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


Count the Cost

Vienna Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Committee on Drugs (VNGOC)

CND Blog



The National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase

To assist families throughout Australia to deal with alcohol and drug issues in a way that strengthens relationships and achieves positive outcomes.

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